Analytics Explorers
Our modern digitalized world generates mind-numbing amounts of data. With all this data, the ability to extract intelligence and value from it gets more and more crucial for organizations. The reason: Data is the key to better business decisions. Hence, the demand for analytics skills in the job market is soaring.
Over 10 days the SAS® Analytics explorerz summer School introduces you to the Analytics Life Cycle – a way to work with data, that covers the entire process from data preparation, data discovery, to deployment. Everything will be centered around sas programming and the SAS® Visual Analytics software, accessed from our new SAS® Skill Builder for Students platform. On the platform you’ll have free access to SAS® software, extensive training materials, e-learning courses and documentation - even after the course!
The aim is to provide you with analytics skills and business knowledge which is extremely valuable when working with data in the real world. Additionally, you will get professional guidance on how to successfully complete the SAS® Visual Analytics and programming Learning Badge. Gaining the skills from the learnings is a great way to boost your career prospects. And the best part . Get on board and unlock your future!
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